Closed Class Override Request Form

Closed Class Request Form

Please note the following conditions regarding a request to the Marketing Department for admission into a Marketing class that is already full.

We are only reviewing closed class overrides for Marketing seniors graduating in Summer or Fall 2025. There are no guarantees that you will be granted an override. All other requests will be denied.

We do not grant overrides due to conflicts in employment schedules or "for convenience."

  • If there are seats left in other sections, please find another option to rearrange your schedule as we will not grant overrides into closed sections when others are open.

Once classes are full, it is the student's responsibility to check CatsWeb frequently for open seats in desired courses. 

For other business classes, please contact the appropriate department.  This request is for Marketing (MKT) courses only. The only overrides that the Department issues are CLOSED, Instructor approval (INST), & Departmental approval (DEPT), and Prerequisite (PREREQ). 

I understand that accommodations will not be made for personal/work/ internship schedules. *

*  All fields must be completed before submitting form.  You will be contacted by email with our final decision.  After submitting the form, you will be directed back to the Marketing Department webpage.  Thank you.